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Be Purified Purifying Serum 净肤清脂精华液 (40ml)
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For young and oil-prone skin, this serum - rich in specific extracts - helps to reduce the excess of oil through the normalization of the sebaccous glands. Calming, soothing and moisturizing ingredients like panthenol and aloe vera provide comfort and wellness. Main ingredients: Arctium lappa root extract, panthenol, grapefruit extract, aloe vera, almond dycerides. 男女皆适用,能长期调理皮脂分泌, 预防毛孔粗大产生。 深层控油,收敛毛孔与保湿舒缓三大功效, 让油性脸肌肤及粗毛孔立即得到有效舒缓。 主要成份: 牛蒡子根萃取,维生素B5,葡萄柚萃取, 芦荟,杏仁果萃取。
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